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Communication and engagement

Experience based design

Experience Based Design is a method used to design better services by listening to the experiences of patients, staff and carers.

Taking time to understand the experiences of these groups can ensure that what might be seen as 'little things' are recognised as an important part of high-quality care. The Experience Based Design approach looks at the care journey and the emotional journey that people experience when they come into contact with a particular pathway or service. The aim is to make meaningful and lasting improvements. This online course will give you the tools to undertake your own Experience Based Design at your service.

Duration Details 4 Weeks
Course Icon 4 Modules
Event Icon Suitable for all levels
User Details Clinicians

Learning outcomes

  • Find out about the four key stages of EBD, including:
    • How to capture experiences
    • How to understand these experiences
    • How to improve the experience, and
    • How to measure improvements.
  • We'll explain how you can approach each of these stages.
  • You'll take away key tools and techniques to apply an EBD approach at your service.

Who is this course for

This course will be particularly useful for clinicians who want to make improvements.


Deborah Thompson

Deborah Thompson MSC, Dip N, RN, Dip coaching, Cert Ed is a Managing Director at NHS Elect leading the design and delivery of large scale clinical improvement networks across the UK and beyond. These include, The Ambulatory Emergency Care Network, Acute Frailty Network Specialised Clinical Frailty Network and System Wide Frailty Network. More recently this has expanded to include bespoke programmes of work covering clinical supervision, Net Zero Networks, and clinical model co-designed with stakeholders.

Passionate about improvement and patient centred care, Deborah has over 40 years’ experience as a clinician and leader in the NHS and is also an experienced executive coach. She specialises in Experience Based Design (EBD) and has led the development of EBD methodology and tools to integrate EBD for staff, patients and service users as a pillar of any quality improvement programmes.

Simon Griffiths

Simon is a Director at NHS Elect and a qualified coach and mentor. He is a NHS general manager by background having worked for 20 years at Board level in NHS provider and commissioning organisations in London and Derbyshire. He has also been non-executive chair in the voluntary and educational sectors. In addition to being part of the NHS Elect coaching faculty, Simon works as a quality improvement coach supporting NHS sites and systems across the range of NHS Elect's clinical improvement networks.

Learning materials

  • Videos
  • Links to additional resources
  • Activities to check your learning
  • A certificate of completion