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Dark Calendar 26-July-2023
How one member makes the most of our services

With over 25,000 staff, Guys & St Thomas’s NHS Foundation Trust provides learning and development to a wide range of staff at all levels. We spoke to Rai Gallo, Leadership and Management Development Manager, to understand how he helps his staff get the most out of the NHS Elect membership.

1. Create a culture of learning

“We’ve tried to create a culture of online learning to provide a high volume of support and meet demand. Post-covid, blended learning is something we’re exploring more, as it allows people to access resources when it suits them, but they can still interact with someone. The short webinars NHS Elect run have been popular with staff, as they can fit it into busy schedules.”


2. Embedding member benefits as part of our offer

“We provide some internal leadership and management training that our staff can access. As part of this, we always include information about the NHS Elect member benefits, so that our staff can see everything available to them. It helps to have it all in one place as part of a learner journey, rather than staff having to hunt down information.”


3. Using a variety of communication methods

“We’ve found using various communication methods has increased knowledge of what’s on offer. Some of the ways we promote this are:
  • Through the staff bulletin generated by our communications team
  • Having an intranet page with details of what we can provide internally, as well as where NHS Elect can help
  • Sharing the monthly NHS Elect flyer of upcoming webinars directly with staff who are in relevant roles
  • Holding a ‘Learning at work week’ where staff can come along to find out what support they can access.”

4. Signposting when we don’t have the resources

“We’ll often signpost staff to NHS Elect when we don’t have the resources or capacity internally. For example, project management is something we get a lot of queries about.”


5. Regular catch-ups with our Account Manager

“We also have regular catch-ups with our Account Manager to understand what’s coming up, and what we can get involved with, or promote. Equally, we’ll contact when we need specific support in an area too.”


Making the most of your membership

If you need support or ideas on how to make the most out of your NHS Elect membership, contact