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Virtual Wards (Hospital at Home)

Virtual wards have allowed thousands of patients to be cared for safely at home, reducing readmissions and freeing up hospital beds. If you want to implement or maximise your virtual ward model (also known as hospital at home), you may be considering the challenges, such as staffing, cost and design.

Join our 12 month Virtual Wards Network and we'll guide you through every step. We’ve already supported many trusts and clinical teams to effectively maximise their virtual wards – so we can help you ensure yours is optimised too.

Request support today

Cost effective

A co-designed, cost effective solution tailored around your current provision and plans

Best practice

Learn from other virtual wards across the country

Team of experts

A team of experienced clinically led NHS leaders supporting you

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What does the programme include?

Initial diagnostic discussion

About your service, system plans to agree the best way of supporting you

Data analysis of current hospital admissions

To identify opportunities to be converted to a virtual ward and ‘actual’ virtual ward activity to review the case mix

Casefile reviews

Looking at patients who are identified suitable for a virtual ward to establish and co-design safe processes to support risk management

Developing pathways

Support with mapping and developing pathways

Access to webinars and world cafes

Hear from other systems on topics such as patient safety, risk management, workforce and data

Access to experience based design tools

Key to help you identify themes and a staff and patient centered focus

Clinical leadership

To support service model change

Measurement expertise and a QI coach

Supporting you with analytics and capacity demand studies


“As Virtual Wards were quite a new programme of works it was useful to hear how peers were progressing"
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“I feel there is a wealth of knowledge and experience which has been shared by organisations which are further along the journey and will be beneficial to future developments”
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Why work with us

The award-winning Improvement Networks Team at NHS Elect has over 20 years of experience working with front-line teams to improve services and systems. We have successfully supported over 140 hospitals in England and teams internationally to adopt and improve their clinical models. Our Acute Frailty Network has won two HSJ awards in the last 12 months.

 Find out more about the Improvement Network team >

Get in touch

We would like to hear more about your needs. To arrange a call with one of our team, please email Deborah Thompson, Managing Director.

Contact us