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Perioperative Medicine for Older People Having Surgery (POPS)

An increasing number of older people are undergoing surgery, but we know that adverse clinician-reported, patient-reported and process-related outcomes are common within this patient group.

The POPS Network can support you to improve outcomes by integrating geriatricians into the care pathway of older surgical patients. Increasingly, surgical, medical and anaesthetic communities all advocate such collaborative models of care.

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What is the POPS Network?

Increasing numbers of older people are undergoing surgery (11 million procedures were performed by the NHS in 2016, nearly 5 million of these were in those aged over 65 years), and adverse clinician-reported, patient-reported and process-related outcomes are common within this patient group.

This approach to the peri-operative management of older people undergoing surgery has been developed by leading clinicians in the field over the last 17 years, with extremely good results. The POPS service has improved outcomes by integrating geriatricians into the care pathway of older surgical patients and demonstrates that preoperative Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) and optimisation reduces postoperative complications and length of stay in older people undergoing elective orthopaedic and vascular surgery.

Benefits of the network

Through streamlining services, many trusts we have worked with have improved clinical outcomes and patient experiences, as well as cost savings. Here are just some of the benefits our network have experienced:


Reduced late cancellations, increased appropriate day surgery and avoided multiple outpatient referrals.


Reduced length of stay, fewer medical complications and reduced referrals to medical specialists and registrars.


Patients have fewer readmissions, long-term complications, and many do not need new care packages.

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What does the programme include?

Tailored support

Expert data analytical, clinical, and quality improvement support tailored to your organisation.

Best practice

A repository of best practice from successful sites, so you can learn from others across the network.

Training by industry experts

Monthly core events and masterclasses led by national clinical and management experts.

POPS toolkit

Guidance and resources to help you implement the model.

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Case studies

Read about the hospital sites we've worked with, including some of the challenges addressed, what approach we used and successful outcomes from their improvement journey.

Take a look at our case studies >

Why work with us

The award-winning Improvement Networks Team at NHS Elect has over 20 years of experience working with front-line teams to improve services and systems. We have successfully supported over 140 hospitals in England and teams internationally to adopt and improve their clinical models. Our Acute Frailty Network has won two HSJ awards in the last 12 months. Find out more about the Improvement Network team >

Get in touch

We would like to hear more about your needs. To arrange a call with one of our team, please email Deborah Thompson, Managing Director.

Contact us