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Our members have full access to webinars, online courses and resources.

Do you work at an NHS Elect member organisation?

If your organisation is an NHS Elect member, you can access all of our online learning for free. If you're not sure whether you qualify, take a look at the list of current members and register for an account today. Online learning includes:

Are you looking for organisational membership?

If your organisation wants to become a member, we offer a range of options to suit different budgets and needs. As well as access to online learning for all of your staff, our full and double membership packages include bespoke training, coaching, team development and consultancy support.

Find out more about membership >

Benefits of becoming a member

Some of the benefits our members have experienced include:

Effective staff and leaders

Improved recruitment and retention of leaders

Reduced training and OD costs

Enhanced performance

Improved patient feedback

Cost savings through efficiencies

Impactful communications

Successful tenders and internal processes

Find out more about membership

We would love to discuss how an NHS Elect membership could work for your organisation.