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We have membership options to suit different organisations and budgets.

What's included in membership?

We deliver hundreds of learning hours to thousands of members every year. The following services are included for all staff at your organisation, whether you opt for virtual, full or double membership:

Every member experiences different benefits, depending on how they use their membership. Some of the most common benefits include:

Skilled teams and leaders

More effective and skilled teams and leaders following organisational and personal development

Better recruitment and retention

Improved recruitment and retention of leaders through development and enhanced talent management

Reduced training and OD costs

Reduced training and development costs by supplementing existing provision in vital areas

Improved services

Enhanced performance against targets and better patient feedback because of service improvement

Better communications

Impactful marketing and communications activity

Successful processes

More successful responses to tenders and other enhanced internal processes

Find out more about membership

We would love to discuss how an NHS Elect membership could work for your organisation.