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General announcements
Dark Calendar 04-September-2020
Our online and digital offer is now very much ‘business as usual’ (at least for the coming months) and we have therefore created a dedicated page on our website that brings together our many and varied digital services.

See our virtual services page >>

Here you will find details of all our webinars – an almost daily offer for you and your teams to learn and connect with others in hour long sessions, our virtual workshops – which are longer and cover material in more depth with opportunity for reflection and questions, and our wider online learning and virtual support, including how to contact a member of the NHS Elect team for 1:1 support across a range of areas.

We continue to offer opportunities for leaders to connect across the NHS through our networks (including regular meetings of OD leads and QI leaders), all arranged virtually.

If you have any additional ideas about how we could help you further online, please email