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Leadership development and OD

Building high performing teams

High performing teams are integral to organisational success. They boost morale, increase performance, and reduce conflict. Discover the core principles of team dynamics by drawing insights from the experts - Michael West, Katzenbach and Smith, and Patrick Lencioni.

Learn what defines a team, grasp the substantial benefits of effective team leadership, and delve into the five key behaviors that power successful teams. From trust and clear communication to shared accountability and a compelling purpose, this course provides practical strategies to foster collaboration and innovation.

Duration Details 3 Hours
Course Icon 3 Modules
Event Icon Suitable for all levels
User Details Leaders and managers

What you'll learn

  • Understand the different types of teams that exist, as well as what type of team you're in.
  • Key principles and strategies to help teams become high-performing.
  • The benefits of leading a team effectively.
  • What dysfunctional teams look like and practical ways to change this.

Who is this course for

This course is suitable for anyone currently in a leadership or management position - whether you're new to leading a team or just want to refresh your skills. We would also recommend this course for anyone considering a step-up into a management position.


Sally Vaughan
Deputy Director

Sally started her career as an NHS as an NHS General Management Trainee in 2006, gaining an MSc in Healthcare Leadership and Management as part of this programme. She has worked in various operational management roles across mental health and acute services since then, mainly in London teaching hospitals. More recently she was the Associate Director for Surgery, Theatres, Anaesthetics and Critical Care at Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust, successfully leading those services through the Covid pandemic surges and elective recovery phases. Sally is a qualified coach and has training in Quality Improvement methodology. She is currently studying on the Leadership Academy's Nye Bevan Programme and to become an MBTI Practitioner. 

Learning materials

  • Videos and presentations
  • Interactive activities to test your knowledge
  • Links to additional resources
  • A certificate of completion